Tickets are accepted 24/7

Rules of the Most
Hardcore Server


Dear players of our server! Welcome to an important
page of our project—the page with the rules for server #1 in the game DayZ.
Here you will find all the necessary instructions on how to abide by
the game rules, to create a comfortable and fair atmosphere for everyone.

Game Rules

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility!

  ▶ 1.0    The use of cheats is prohibited. Using third-party software or cheats will lead to a ban. Such actions are not subject to review.

  ▶ 1.1    It is forbidden to exploit game or server bugs. Exploits also include using textures to see through walls, rapid changes in character posture from standing to sitting or lying, and pushing characters through the ground for movement (ban).

  ▶ 1.2    Insults and threats to other players are prohibited. Direct insults and offending third parties, whether relatives or others, and using threats will result in a server ban.

  ▶ 1.3    Impersonating the administration is prohibited. Impersonating administration in written or voice chat, as well as deceiving players, and threats of "admin justice" will be punished by a full server ban.

  ▶ 1.4    Using another streamer's broadcast to locate the streamer even in a PVE area - "stream sniping" is prohibited. This includes disclosing such information to others (ban).

  ▶ 1.5    Modifying the client is forbidden. Changing textures, reducing grass, or downgrading graphics (ban).

  ▶ 1.6    Insults and remarks towards the administration are prohibited. Any insults will lead to a ban, including a permanent one without the possibility of appeal.

  ▶ 1.7    Provocation by "leaving the server" for personal gain will be punished at the discretion of the administration with a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 1.8    Misinforming the Administration in any of its manifestations is prohibited (ban).

  ▶ 1.9    Selling in-game items for real money is prohibited (ban).

  ▶ 2.0    Duping, using cheats, or duplicating items through game bugs are prohibited (ban).

  ▶ 2.1    Looking through textures is forbidden, any methods are punishable. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a ban.

  ▶ 2.2    If you steal a vehicle in a PVP zone, even if you do not use it and it is parked in a virtual garage or somewhere on the map, you must either destroy the vehicle or sell it to a trader within 72 hours of the theft.

  ▶ 2.3    It is forbidden to camp in one area for more than 1 hour. Camping enemy bases in PVP zones is allowed.

  ▶ 2.4    Destroying items at your base during a raid on your base, or collecting items from the base and leaving the server with them during a raid to leave no loot for the raiders, is prohibited.

  ▶ 2.5    It is forbidden to place tents, garden beds, greenhouses, or furniture on the road.

  ▶ 2.6    It is forbidden to place a tent inside another tent.

PVP/PVE Zone Rules

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility!

  ▶ 2.7    Respawning of loot (collecting loot at spawn points and dumping it outside of the area) and littering the area with loot is prohibited. Violation of this rule will lead to consequences in the form of a warning, if the player cleans up the improperly discarded items. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a ban.

  ▶ 2.8    Suicide (even for "respawning") and killing any player outside the PVP zone is prohibited. If the act of killing or suicide was accidental, you must report it to the project Administration. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 2.9    It is prohibited to inflict any type of damage on a player in the southern part of the map (south of the wall where the PVE zone is located). This includes damage from vehicles, chemical weapons, traps, explosions, projectiles, physical damage, etc. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 3.0    Setting traps (snares, mines, etc.) in PVE zones or at transitions between zones is forbidden. The Administration's decision on the punishment of the violator is based on the damage caused to the victim. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 3.1    It is prohibited to feed a player in PVE zones with medications, alcohol, rotten food, human flesh, or other items that do not exclusively carry a positive effect, against the will of the player. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 3.2    Taking hostages in the PVE zone is prohibited. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 3.3    Killing other people's dogs in the PVE zone is prohibited. Ban.

  ▶ 3.4    Blocking all transitions in the wall between PVP and PVE zones (with a vehicle, wall, etc.) is prohibited.

  ▶ 3.5    All items left outside the territory of a base in both PVP and PVE zones may be stolen.

  ▶ 3.6    Stealing items from the territory of bases in the PVE zone is prohibited (a base is considered to be a base where at least one code lock or flagpole is installed).

  ▶ 3.7    Stealing (picking locks) of "Modded" vehicles in PVE zones is prohibited. Steam account ban.

Building and Base Rules

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility!

  ▶ 2.8    Planting beds are only allowed within the territory of constructed bases and in greenhouses. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 3.9    It is prohibited to trap a character using locked doors or other means outside of base territories in PVE zones. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 4.0    Raids on bases, destruction of bases, any storage cells for loot on them, vehicles at bases, and theft of loot from bases in PVE zones are prohibited. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 4.1    All bases must be built at least 1000m from military facilities, 2000m from Static Infected Zones and Trade Zones, 500m from hunting camps, hospitals, and fire/police stations. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 4.2    No more than two gates or doors may be placed in an opening, with a minimum distance of two meters between them (a character should be able to comfortably lie down between the walls and gates).

  ▶ 4.3    It is prohibited to place gates and doors within each other.

  ▶ 4.4    It is prohibited to build on roads, driveways, or paths.

  ▶ 4.5    Hanging structures in the air without support, contrary to the laws of physics, are prohibited.

  ▶ 4.6    Bases whose owners are inactive for 5-10 days are removed at the discretion of the administration.

  ▶ 4.7    Custom-made bases must not exceed more than 20 squares in length or width. One square is equal to the length of a vanilla homemade fence (rule only applies in PVE zones).

  ▶ 4.8    Any constructed base must be registered in the appropriate Discord channel, regardless of whether it is "custom" or "homemade" and in which zone it is located.

  ▶ 4.9    If a base is built in a PVP zone, all risks fall on you. You also have the right to raid all bases located in the PVP zone and only in it. If you build in a PVE zone, you do not have the right to raid bases in any zone.

  ▶ 5.0    You have the right to build only in one of the zones - PVP or PVE. Having bases in both zones simultaneously is prohibited.

  ▶ 5.1    It is prohibited to build on sloped roofs of towers or fences. Only allowed on flat roofs.

  ▶ 5.2    It is prohibited to build towers higher than 5 floors.

  ▶ 5.3    It is prohibited to build walls from towers tightly packed. The minimum gap between towers must be at least one fence span.

  ▶ 5.4    It is prohibited to build walls higher than 2 floors.

  ▶ 5.5    It is prohibited to build bases closer than 800m from the shore or a neighboring base.

  ▶ 5.6    It is prohibited to install a flag inside a building, except for an underground base.

  ▶ 5.7    It is prohibited to install towers inside a building in such a way that the building's roof touches the tower.

Vehicle Rules

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility!

  ▶ 5.8    It is prohibited to have more than 7 vehicles at a base. Each additional vehicle beyond this limit will cost 500 rubles per month per unit. The penalty is the confiscation of any vehicle at the administrator's discretion from the offender's base.

  ▶ 5.9    Damaging or destroying vehicles in PVE zones is prohibited. At the administration's discretion, a warning or a Steam account ban.

  ▶ 6.0    Vehicles purchased in the online store are not eligible for restoration!

  ▶ 6.1    Vehicles that disappear for any reason after leaving the map boundaries are not subject to restoration.

  ▶ 6.2    It is categorically forbidden to steal, sell, or destroy any other person's vehicle in the Trade Zone in PVE. Violators will receive a permanent ban! If a vehicle is found parked for more than two hours (open or with keys), it must be reported to the Administration.

  ▶ 6.3    Leaving vehicles for more than two hours in the Trade Zone in PVE is prohibited. "Arrive, handle your business, and leave!" Vehicles observed in violation will be removed. (They will not be restored by the Administration later).

  ▶ 6.4    Open vehicles (outside of bases) left for more than two hours are considered abandoned. Any player can take such a vehicle. A vanilla vehicle at spawn is considered the property of the person who drove it away! Note: It is prohibited to install a CarLock on an uncollected vanilla vehicle at spawn: assemble -> install CarLock -> drive away!

  ▶ 6.5    If the owner of the vehicle or their acquaintances intentionally shoot or blow up the vehicle, the Administration has the right to seize the insurance (full value of the vehicle) or deduct the amount received in this situation as insurance from the personal bank (game) account! For car theft (with CarLock) in PVP zone, if not locked by the player, the responsibility lies with the player!

  ▶ 6.6    The lifespan of a vehicle is 7 days if not used (using a vehicle means getting in, starting, and driving, not just visually inspecting the car). If you leave the server for an extended period, you must put your vehicle in the virtual garage. (Place in the garage without CarLock and loot; otherwise, it will all disappear).

  ▶ 6.7    After stealing another's vehicle in a PVP zone, you have the right to use the vehicle for three days. After this period, you are obliged to either sell or destroy the stolen vehicle (placing it in the virtual garage is prohibited).

  ▶ 6.8    If your vehicle, purchased in the donation shop, is stolen in a PVP zone, you cannot restore it until three days have passed. (The countdown starts when you create a ticket).

  ▶ 6.9    If you decide to sell your vehicle purchased in the game store, you are not allowed to restore it afterward. Circumventing this rule will be considered as deceiving the project's Administration.

  ▶ 7.0    It is prohibited to leave vehicles on railway tracks for more than two hours.

  ▶ 7.1    It is prohibited to leave vehicles on the map for more than two days. The vehicle must be in the virtual garage or at the base. Such vehicles are subject to deletion without restoration.

  ▶ 7.2    In the PVP zone, it is prohibited to use a vehicle for loot storage. Loot left in it may not be stored for more than 24 hours. Otherwise, the vehicle will be removed along with the loot without return.

  ▶ 7.3    Money left in vehicles is not restored.

  ▶ 7.4    The Administration does not have the right to remove you from a vehicle, flip or push your vehicle. If you crash into a fence, fly into space, then write in the server chat channel, other players will help. (Even if no one helps you, the Administration will not assist).

  ▶ 7.5    If you do not exit the vehicle 5 minutes before the restart, the Administration will not restore the vehicle.

Support Ticket

Have a question or complaint? Click the button below, and we’ll be happy to assist you!


[email protected]

Individual Entrepreneur
Danil Igorevich Umerenkov

INN: 463254221784
OGRN: 324460000036361

426006, Moscow,
Dmitrovskoe Highway, building 60

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